Chess Scanner
Your chess games digitized quickly.
Scan score sheets and generate chess games in seconds.
Free scanning of chess games
Fast & Easy
Supports multiple chess notations and languages
Automatic detection of the score sheet grid & notations
PGN export
Generate your games in three steps

Scan score sheets

Tap on "Generate Game"

View generated game
Latest Articles

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Jul 23, 2024
Perfect for entering chess games on tournaments
In the past, I had to manually enter all the games from the tournament.
Now it it's easier than never before!
Specifically optimized for iPads.
How can I add score sheets?
Score sheets can be captured either with the integrated scanner or selected from the gallery. The score sheet is directly extracted from the image.
Is it possible to add score sheets for the white and the black player?
Yes, you can specify score sheets for both players. Up to two score sheets can be specified per player. When generating the game, both versions are considered.
What are the manual steps for entering chess games?
To generate a game, the score sheets just need to be scanned. The notation and fields of the score sheet are automatically recognized. However, this can also be done manually.
What notation are supported?
In the current state are the following notations well supported:
- English: N/B/R/Q/K
- German: S/L/T/D/K
- Spain / Italian: C/A/T/D/R
- French: C/F/T/D/R
- Czech / Slovak: J/S/V/D/K
- Portuguese: C/B/T/D/R
- Dutch: P/L/T/D/K
It is possible to specify other notations as well, but these are analyzed based on a model of already supported notation. Therefore, text recognition may be less accurate in such cases.
WIf you would like to contribute to expanding the notations, you are welcome to provide me with your score sheets using the following link:
How does the game generation work and how long does it take?
For game generation, the score sheets are sent to our servers. The time required for generation may vary depending on the legibility of the score sheet, length of the game, and internet connection. Typically, this ranges between 1 and 10 seconds.
Why are the texts on the score sheets not recognized correctly?
There are several possible reasons for this. Firstly, it may be that the written text does not stand out clearly enough from the score sheet. However, the more likely scenario is that the text recognition is not yet optimized for your handwriting.
To improve text recognition, you are welcome to provide me with the score sheets using the following link:
I will then provide you with feedback once the text recognition has been appropriately optimized.
Open Question?
Other topics
Overview of the generated game
An overview displays the columns of the score sheet with the generated moves. The background color of each move indicates the likelihood of the move. Tapping on a move takes you directly to the corresponding chess position, where move alternatives are also suggested.
Move suggestions
If moves were not correctly recognized, you can quickly and easily correct them using move suggestions. These are arranged based on probabilities and can be further narrowed down using a filter on the piece to be moved. After making a change, you can regenerate the game from the current move
Moves crossed out or forgotten on the score sheet?
In the game overview, you can skip moves and insert moves. Afterwards, you can simply regenerate the game with the changes.
Game data
Additionally, you can add player and tournament data to a game. You can also provide further information via a description field.
Overview & filtering of games
An overall overview displays all entered games. You can filter games by tournament, round, and favorites. Additionally, there is a search field allowing you to filter games by players or game descriptions.
Exporting games (*)
Filtered games or individual games can be exported as a PGN file. In the settings, you can specify which data the PGN file should contain, such as tournament, round, date, etc.
Importing games
Additional games can be imported into the app via PGN files.
Analyse games (*)
In the app, you can directly open and analyze the game on Lichess and with a button.
(*) Features available with premium only
Privacy is important to us!
For game generation, the images of the score sheets are transmitted exclusively to our servers in Germany.
Thanks to our proprietary text recognition, no forwarding is necessary.
To optimize text recognition, image segments of the moves may be stored.
The images of the score sheets are deleted from our servers immediately after game generation.
Available on Android and iOS